Jubilé • Jubilee Montréal's Public Launch Celebration
Sunday, October 2nd | 10:30AM
1175 rue Saint-Mathieu (Metro Guy-Concordia)
Hi there.
Jubilee Montréal is a downtown Montreal church open to all and dedicated to pursuing holistic transformation.
We have a dream to see a new quiet revolution take place. Unlike many of the ways that Christianity has been communicated and perceived in our world, we believe that Christianity is actually positive and life-changing.
We believe that at the heart of authentic Christianity is a message that a vulnerable and loving relationship with God is possible (even today) and available to everyone. We believe that this relationship will free you from life's wounds and make you into the person you were always meant to be--fully alive, free and living from a place of rest. From here, your life will increasingly look like the radically loving life that Jesus lived (a life that reached across social, cultural, religious and political boundaries) and you will discover how your life can make a unique impact in the world today.
Jesus shows us that God is about jubilee, not judgement, and that with him everything can change. Do you want to live a meaningful life that changes the world? Join us as we kick off our weekly gatherings with a launch celebration on October 2nd.
Whoever you are, whatever you believe, give it a try--and experience a quiet revolution of love.