A Culture of Prayer: An Introduction
(Click here to read the Prayer Focus for October 10th - October 17th)
"Converting our unceasing thinking into unceasing prayer moves us from a self-centered monologue to a God-centered dialogue." -Henri Nouwen
Prayer is a way of talking about intentional relationship with God. It's about doing life with him. It's accepting his presence and voice in the big and small things of our day. It's recognizing that as you walk down the street he is there beside you. And it is in this place of constant, intimate, and honest dialogue with God as Father that we begin to voice our concerns, requests and questions.
Like many things we aim to do at Jubilee, prayer is not so much a series of events as it is a culture, or lifestyle, that we long to see cultivated. Jesus could only do what he saw his Father doing (John 5:19) but important in this constant communion with God were regular moments of withdrawing to "lonely places" to pray (for example, Luke 5:16). We aim to experience this kind of constant surrender fed by a rhythm of withdrawing to pray. To that end, we present to you some concrete ways you can join the greater Jubilee community in prayer.
Would you join us in this rhythm of prayer?
Daily Prayer: Set your clocks for 2:42pm. This will remind you of Acts 2:42 where the early church 'devoted themselves to prayer" (among other things, of course). Take a minute each day at 2:42pm and redirect your attention to the small still voice of God.
Wednesday Prayer: From 12pm-1pm stop where you are to listen and pray. Want to meet up with others during this time? Go for it.
Sunday Prayer: Even if you're not scheduled for a Sunday Team that week come early and pray with others at 10:00AM in the room to the right of the stage.
Jubilee Communities / DNA Groups: Perhaps the richest place to experience regular prayer over the long term with others is in your Jubilee Community and especially in your DNA group. Want to know more about these? Email us.
To facilitate prayer for the larger community and holistic transformation you can see the weekly Jubilee email newsletter that will arrive in your inbox each Sunday morning with prayer focuses and events for the upcoming week. Bring these prayer points before God during any of your focused prayer times each week.
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