Giving financially, when marked by joy and generosity, is a beautiful and integral part of our worship. Our giving supports our mission to share the Good News as a Spiritual Family for Holistic Transformation in Montréal.
Update your address for tax receipt purposes HERE
Click the appropriate button to give. Every gift matters.
Send an e-transfer to with your First Name as the password.
Click the “GIVE VIA E-TRANSFER” link to give us your information for tax receipt purposes
You can give monthly or a single tithe donation via credit card, PAD (preauthorized debit through your financial institution), Google or Apple pay (smartphones and enabled devices). There are no fees charged to Jubilee Montreal for donations given through Zeffy.
You can choose to give an extra amount towards Zeffy to cover fees (there is a default amount in the section that says “Add a contribution to keep the platform we use 100% free!”) but you can also change this amount to “other”- $0 if you give monthly or use PAD for your payment. Pay close attention to this so you don’t pay extra fees unintentionally! Zeffy will send you your tax receipt by email.
Click this link to give a single tithe donation through a PayPal account, with no transaction fees charged.
Click the link to download the EFT Form (Electronic Funds Transfer form). Fill it out, scan a void cheque or a bank document with your giving information and email it to
(No extra fees- 100% of your tax deductible donation goes to Jubilee Montreal)
“Each one must give as he has decided in his heart, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver.”
“When we give generously with an
abundance mentality,
what we give away will multiply.
Jubilee Montréal is a registered charity with the Canada Revenue Agency. It's the generosity of people like you that help our community to impact our city and world.
If your annual giving exceeds $25.00CAD you will receive a tax receipt for your donation.
*If giving through CanadaHelps, you will receive a tax receipt directly from them.
If you have any questions about giving--email us and our treasurer will get back to you!