First meeting starts: Friday, November 26th @ 7:30pm*

Last meeting ends: Sunday, November 28th @ 1:30pm

*Check-in begins Friday, November 26th at 6pm

REGISTRATION DEADLINE**: NOVEMBER 19th @ midnight, space is limited- register early


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We invite you to go deeper in discovering God as a Father to you and to experience Him loving you. It will radically transform your life from the inside out. 

What to expect

This will be a time to rest and connect with others and to experience teaching about developing an authentic, vulnerable relationship with God your Father. This topic is vital for all people and especially those who have chosen to follow Jesus.

"All things have been committed to me by my Father. No one knows the Son except the Father, and no one knows the Father except the Son and those to whom the Son chooses to reveal him." Matthew 11:27

The speakers and facilitators for the meetings will be Richard Jones, Dass Supperamaniam and Brant & Jen Reding. For more about their stories, click on their names.

What does it cost?

Costs include meals, unless otherwise specified.

  • Commuters-with breakfast included: $95/person

  • Commuters- No breakfast: $65/person

  • Accommodation included: $125/person (limited spots available)

    • Child 11& under: $75/person- includes activities for kids during the meetings (Available for Jubilee Montreal members and those who have made special arrangements with us. Children must be potty trained to participate in the kids’ activities.)

Meals provided:

  • Friday : Snack

  • Saturday: Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner, Snack

  • Sunday: Breakfast and lunch

Additional Information:

  • If staying at Parkside Ranch, you must bring your own pillow, sheets, blanket or sleeping bag. Most accommodations are single bunk beds.

  • Please note any dietary restrictions you have when you register.

  • Registration payment is done using credit card through PayPal (you do not need a PayPal account). If you do not have access to a credit card, please email and we will try to arrange another form of payment for you.

Where will it be located?

The meetings will take place in Orford, Quebec at Parkside Ranch

Address: 1505 Chemin Alfred-Desrochers, Orford, QC J1X 6J4



We encourage people to try to arrive between 6- 7pm on Friday to get settled and check in (the earlier the better!). There will be no dinner served on Friday night, just a light snack. The Friday night meeting will start at 7:30pm sharp.

On Saturday there will be morning and afternoon meetings with breaks for coffee, lunch and dinner. Weather permitting, we will have a bonfire outside on Saturday night. On Sunday we will have morning meetings and end with lunch.

The afternoon on Sunday will be free, so you can either enjoy the landscape at Parkside Ranch or drive into Magog nearby for some fun with friends.

Questions? Email us.